Cloud Security Myths and Realities: Ensuring Your Data's Safety

So, you've been hearing a lot about cloud computing. If you're anything like me, you've probably had a moment or two where you've wondered, "Is my data actually safe up there ...

Growing Trend: Businesses Proactively Investing in Cyber Security Defenses

More and more businesses are making the smart decision to be proactive and invest in their cyber security defenses. This is fantastic news, especially since statistics show that about half of small and medium-sized businesses still lack any cyber security ...

Eco-Friendly Computer Disposal: A Crucial Step for a Greener Planet

It's amazing how quickly technology evolves these days, isn't it? However, with rapid technological advancement comes a downside: the lifespan of IT equipment tends to be very short, leading to significant electronic waste, or e-waste. Properly disposing of IT assets, ...

Enhancing Cybersecurity in a Hybrid Work Environment

The hybrid work model, blending remote and office-based work, offers numerous benefits but also presents unique cybersecurity challenges. In this blog, we will break down these challenges and provide practical strategies for business owners to mitigate them. Let's dive in! ...

Three Essential Cybersecurity Solutions for Small Businesses: Important Considerations

Cybersecurity can be overwhelming, with so many 'must-dos' and conflicting advice. But don't worry, we're here to help you cut through the noise and focus on what's truly important for your business. Our approach is to educate the community on ...

Stay Ahead with the 2024 Cybersecurity Executive Brief for Accountants!

The evolving cybersecurity landscape poses significant challenges for accountants and financial professionals. Our latest eBook, "2024 Cybersecurity Executive Brief for Accountants" delves into crucial developments affecting the security and compliance of your work. From cloud adoption and endpoint security to ...

The Building Blocks of Great IT

When it comes to IT services, not all providers are created equal. Choosing the right IT partner for your business is a critical decision that should be approached with the same rigor as hiring a new employee. Our infographic, "The ...

Cybersecurity Cheat Sheet: Essential Tips to Protect Your Business

In today's fast-paced world, safeguarding your business's valuable information and assets is more critical than ever. To assist you in this endeavor, we've put together a concise cheat sheet with essential cybersecurity tips. Recognizing and reporting phishing attacks is crucial ...

Boost Productivity: Why Your Business Needs Dual Monitors

With such a simple title, you may be asking yourself, "Do you really need an entire blog on this topic?" The answer is... not really. However, it HAS to be addressed. The prevalence of a single monitor in workplaces is ...

Protect Your Business: Think Like a Hacker to Stay Secure

When people think about "hackers," they often picture a hooded figure furiously typing on a keyboard to break into networks. However, hacking doesn't always involve guessing passwords or exploiting unpatched machines; it often includes social engineering and targeted attacks. Let’s ...

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