TEAMS: Turn a quick email into a message

We love Microsoft Teams, but sometimes it’s quicker to share your thoughts via email. In this video, we’ll show you how to send an email directly into your Teams channel.

TEAMS: Stop the pings with Do Not Disturb mode

If you’re finding it difficult to get your work done due to constant interruptions, then you need the Teams equivalent of a closed door. Here’s how to turn on Do Not Disturb and silence the pings.

TEAMS: Send messages without breaking your workflow

The messaging facility in Teams is great, but it can break your concentration and flow. In this video, we show you a different way to use messages without having to leave the screen you’re working on.

TEAMS: Quickly turn off your camera during a call

Have you ever been on an important Teams call, only to be interrupted by your children or pets in the background? We’ve used a famous viral video moment to demonstrate how to quickly turn off your camera.

TEAMS: Quickly mute your mic during a call

How many Teams calls are interrupted by random noises? This simple shortcut shows how to quickly mute your mic, so your co-workers don’t have to listen to every cough, sneeze, or dog bark.

TEAMS: Only allow interruptions from your boss

Everyone needs time to work free from interruptions. But what if your boss is trying to contact you? This video shows you how to use Priority Access to block everyone except your boss.

TEAMS: Master ALL the shortcuts

Shortcuts are great, but only if you know about them. Use this handy tip to see all Teams shortcuts in one place. It’ll change the way you use Teams.

TEAMS: Look like you are in one room

Remote working is great, but you can still miss that ‘together’ feeling when you’re on a Teams call. Here’s how to make it look like you’re all in the same room.

TEAMS: Blur or change your background on a video call

Got a video call but your room isn’t appropriate for work? Did you know you can blur your background or change it entirely in Teams? Here’s how to make your backdrop look professional, without having to do any tidying.

WORD: Change lots of text all in one go

Need to make a lot of changes throughout your Word document? Don’t waste time scrolling through pages and pages. We’ll show you how to do it quickly with this handy feature.