Your critical IT systems are down. Your business applications don’t work. Your customer data can't be accessed. You've experienced a cyberattack. How soon would you be able to get back up and running? That question should be on every business owner's mind.

What most business owners don’t consider is how dependent they are upon technology services. Could one of the IT services or cloud software that you subscribe to force your business to close? What would happen if you couldn’t use your business applications for a day, or weeks?

RMV inspection stations for 8 states were offline due to malware this April. The Massachusetts RMV was one of the 8 states who outsource inspection services to Applus Technologies, a MA company.

We all know the states RMV's will continue to chug along without missing a tax dollar. Applus Technologies will have a revenue hit in a best case scenario, its ultimate fate is unknown.

Private companies seldom fair very well. While the RMV downtime seems hardly relevant to "my" business, it should be a wake up call for every business owner.

Take a moment to think about how vulnerable your business would be:

  • List the software and IT services your company uses.
  • What impact does each software or service have on your business?
  • How long would your business function if the top two were out of service?
  • Now ask yourself, what you can do to prepare for a disruption.

At this point a cold-sweat usually breaks out.

Only 26% of small to medium-sized businesses deploy enough layers of security to cover their users, networks, and devices.

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At iMedia, we want all of our clients to be part of the 26%. We perform Cyber Risk Assessments and provide recommendations and a roadmap for cyber protection and cyber resiliency. Why? Because only 14% of office workers worldwide consider cyber resilience to be a responsibility all employees share. That means that the burden of championing resilience starts with leadership.

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Every business owner is responsible for their firms cyber protection.

Cyber security isn't something to be delegated to IT. Don't assume your Managed Services or IT Support company has it covered. Cyber security comes form the top down. Every business owner needs to understand what layered protection involves. Owners need to champion their employees to follow company protocols and participate in cyber education.

iMedia Technology helps business owners implement, maintain, and mange their cyber resiliency so they can sleep with piece of mind.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Tips for Small & Medium-Sized Businesses | Webroot