Cyber Thugs Are Attracted To Your Business Like A Moth To A Flame
Here’s one way to put the flame out. If you’re an SMB with a cyber insurance policy, you may have noticed a push to enable multifactor authentication (MFA). The recent boom in ransomware claims has hurt the bottom line of ...
Why SMB's Need a Cybersecurity Audit (and 3 Tips to Get It Right)
Cape Cod businesses need more than the latest antivirus software and a firewall to ensure ...
The Phone System Your Insurance Agency Needs To Grow Remotely
Have you ever had a failed phone call? Or had to repeat yourself over and over again due to poor sound quality? As an insurance agency owner or employee, you understand how embarrassing and frustrating poor quality phone calls can ...
Why Client Retention Is Going To Save Your Insurance Agency
There are so many “most importants” when it comes to owning an insurance agency. You will hear something new from anyone you talk to. You must have the best product, the best aesthetic, the best this, the best that. While providing a quality service or product ...
4 Ways Technology Can Effortlessly Grow Your Insurance Agency
Make The Most Of Your Employees For many agencies, labor costs are the greatest expense. Providing your employees with the tools to do their job gives a business immediate ROI. A focus on productivity allows you to serve more clients with the same labor ...
How The Cloud Helps Your Insurance Agency Recruit & Retain Talent
Not long ago, an insurance agency client was in our office and I asked him: “Why did your agency move to the cloud?” His response shocked me. “We moved to the cloud so we could hire the best talent”. I ...
6 Problems the Cloud Can Solve For Your Insurance Agency
Deciding to use Cloud services instead of onsite technology is a daunting obstacle. As a insurance owner, deciding to move to the cloud should be based on agency problems that cloud technology can solve. A common, knee jerk reaction is to do a cost comparison ...